All posts by Nette ct
Cucumber Threllis Evolution – She is doing GREAY
True white grub: True white grub, Phylophaga sp., larva.
larvae are white and “C”-shaped. They have a light brown head, a dark tail-end, and are at most 1.5 in (38 mm) long. The true white grub can be identified by having two, parallel rows of stiff bristles on the underside of its tail end [see photo]. Annual white grubs lack this pattern of bristles.
They dig a hole and live and eat the plants roots. You can tell that slmetjing is wrong,m; its stops the growing process of the plant but doesn’t kill it; makes it weak. Malditos
Arugula 14 Days Old – New Pot
How to Grow Radishes: 10 Steps (with Pictures)
Amaranth Evolution
Snails Do Like EggShells
Zuchinni Murio!
Our Garden today!
Basil New Plants – Growing Fast
How to Grow Cucumbers Indoors: 13 Steps (with Pictures) – wikiHow
ReGrowing your own Food Scraps
So, we just started testing the food scraping rebirth.
As far as i know a plant that grows from the seed will be in better conditions in terms of vitamin, minerals etc than a re-growned plant. The re-growned is tired old, but its nice to test it out, i am planning to use the onions to keep away the slugs.
If you have kids is an interesting project to do with you kids.
So, you start by taking the top and botton part of the onion and place it in water.
Then a few days after, around 5-6 you will have this,
Soil Mix using #8/17Soilmix
Today, we decide to prepare soil from Home Deposit, Organic Garden making it rich in mineral nutrient by adding azomite, phosforo, seed starter kix, worm castings, etc
This mix was used to plant all labels 8/17, carrots, letture, mustard, sunflower, tomato, cabage, peper, spinach
Below we will share some pictures of the soil preparation.
And Mix Mix Mix!
Soil Mix using #8/17Soilmix
Today, we decide to prepare soil from Home Deposit, Organic Garden making it rich in mineral nutrient by adding azomite, phosforo, seed starter kix, worm castings, etc
This mix was used to plant all labels 8/17, carrots, letture, mustard, sunflower, tomato, cabage, peper, spinach
Below we will share some pictures of the soil preparation.
And Mix Mix Mix!
Companion Planting
Sprouts – Sprouting – Germinados – Brotes
Nunca imagine que podria ser tan facil germinar las semillas y convertirlos en unos brotes verdes llenos de vitaminas y nutricion. El proceso es muy simple, solo tienes q tener disciplina de dedicarle 3 minutos por cada envase germinandose, dos veces por dia.
En los mercados de comida el envase de brotes de brocolli cuesta $5.99 minimo; podrias estar cosechando el doble de lo que vende el mercado y estan listos para comer cada 4-5 dias. Con pocas semillas llenas frascos como los de la foto debajo,
Estas son Brotes de Alfalfa, mezclado con Red Clover (clavo rojo?) El primer paso, dia se deja en agua por 8 horas. (Preferiblemente Agua Filtrada)
Luego 8 horas despues, se le drena el agua y se deja en una posicion inclinada, asi drena al paso el agua de enjuague.
Dos veces por dia, le echas agua, mueves el frasco y poco, y la drenas siempre dejando el frasco con una minima inclinacion. Para esto proyecto de brotes germinados necesitas; – frascos (potes) de vidrio preferiblemente, o cualquier envase que tenga un mecanismo que el agua siempre se drene y sea facil de limpiar. Yo uso frascos, con unas tapas que tiene agujeros. Otros usean colador atado a la boca del frasco, etc. Necesitas tambien semillas de brotes.
Esto es con dos dias (48 horas) y despues se van convirtiendo en esto,
4to dia,
Listos para comer….a nosotros bis gusta luego hacer esto, pero tengo entendido que no es necesario,
Preparing our Own Soil
Seed Starter Mix + Worm Casting Half & Half
Azomite, rock mineral. The richer in minerals is the soil, the better your plants eats.
Preparando nuestra mezcla de tierra, worm castings, rock dust con mas de 37 minerales, fosoforo, y seed starter, mejores nutrientes para nuestra comida, mas plantas saludables, mas grandes, y sin pestes. Le pusimos a todas nuestras plantitas encima y tambien sembramos nuevas usando esta mezcla.