Category Archives: Cultivos / Crops

Plantines de Cacao 



Creciendo de semillas, de unas mazorcas de nuestro amigo Furkal.

vamos a sembrar unos 50 arboles de cacao, juntos con otros mas,  que soporten y den abono, sombra, proteccion contra vientos, armando un ecosistema.

Today’s Lunch

Cubes of potatoes fried in little bit of coconut oil and then mixed with curly kale and little bit of chicken left over. If potatoes are not fully cooked you can put them in broil in the oven. I added a tomato.


On the pan, stir fried some onion and coliflower and two eggs. Seasoning was turmeric, salt and base of little coconut oil in the pan before stir fry.






Update on what’s growing in our balcony.

We have been traveling a lot! So we just started again to plant some seeds and see if we can eat some of our veggies or greens this summer.
We continue to have the lot in the community garden, which ill share pictures later on.
Below pictures of our balcony; yeah yeah, our balcony is kind of messy, i know!!!!


Basil, moringa, cuban oregano, aloe vera and planted some Onion seedling

Sweet potatoes, and normal potatoes. Then on the side, some seedlings of cilantro, chives, thyme and basil. The only one growing is the basil.

Bur Gerkin Cucumber, grows perfectly fine in Hot HOT weather. So perfect season is Summer at least here in Florida (Miami). They give bunch of fruits.

These are peppers and aloe vera. The Peppers, before we left in February, we ate a pepper and saved the seeds which we planted in this pot before we left. We came back and found this. My parents were here in my place for 15 days so, they took care of them, but the other time they just wanted to live and survive until April 29 the day we came back home and been watering it since then.

New seedlings. Cabbage chinisse, cabage nero di toscana, different kind of peas, some greens like Mizuna and arugula. Some Orzo, Collard, Everglade Tomatoes, Peppers

“life is good… but if you are connected with nature is just simply amazing”