El calor de miami las tiene asi, espero que el gusto sea bueno.
Cucumber update
parando las orugas a tiempo
Mango update – 32 days
Pepper and Basil
Mustard Lettuce
Amaranto update 22 days
Updates – Thyme doing good
Beneficial Nematodes
to mix with the soil to combat other pests like grubs
Cucumber & Tomatoes Companion Plants Pot
Mustard Letture
Carrots Update
Cucumber Threllis Evolution – She is doing GREAY
Neem Oil. , Organic insecticide
Cilantro survivors
Going strong now
mango update, it needs more space
Carrots update
pepinos update 2 inches this day
Raised bed gardens
Just a few sq feets with
Basils, radish, cucumber, tomato, all second class, not the best selections.